Friday, July 15, 2011


Life's struggles and trials are very common to every human being including christians.It just annoys  me to hear that a lot of christians attribute all their struggles as a " testing from God".While it is true that some of the struggles in this world are a test of faith which develops perseverance that will lead to a strong and mature christian character, (James 1:2-4),some of the problems can also be consequences of certain actions,or to make it straight-a consequence of  sin.No one is perfect ,life is not perfect and on certain occasions,we make mistake ,that is  doing things that are not  pleasing to God.Yet many christians don't want accountability  for  their  actions and use God for their scapegoat.As one saying goes" we are free to make our actions but not free to choose the consequence of our actions."Nobody will escape the consequence of his choices.
Whichever way  I look ,everything points  to this word,"OBEDIENCE".Obedience to God and His word is extremely important.It is a mandatory part of our christian lives.If we love God,we will obey His commands,not just part of His commands,not just the ones that we like or agree with.(Jn 14:15,23,24;2 Thess.2:15;2 tim.1:13). Some christians today  are not taking God's command seriously,and one mistake is  that after receiving the gift of salvation ,God's commands are forgotten.
The Lord has given us all the  instructions in the bible,that many people have ignored.The bible is every christian's lifeline,a guide for the christian's  everyday living and way of life.Meditate on His word day and night,then you will be properous and successful.(Joshua 1:8).If we obey God's word,we will be blessed in many ways.(Deut. 28:1,2).To be blessed means "to endue with power,and longevity."Abraham is a great example as a man of obedience,the "Father of obedience".(Gen. 22:15-18).
To be able to know and be ready for God's plan for us ,we need to prove our faithfulness to Him by OBEDIENCE.God's spectacular plan for us is not difficult to find.The bible says we can hear the sheperd's voice.We just have to go through certain steps.We must mature and develop a strong christian character.Maybe God is only asking you to be a good wife,good husband,or work well in church.Once you have been faithful in these things ,He will open the doors for greater ones.
God's plan doesn't make sense to us at times.There will be moments when God asks us to do something  and often we will start reasoning in our mind.Our human logic will start arguing it and ultimately we will ignore the message.God will trust you with His affairs if you act immediately on His promptings.
To obey is better than sacrifice.(I Sam. 15:22).It is impossible to miss God if you desire in your heart to please Him.
Lord,teach me to do the thing that pleases You.
I want to know your guiding voice and to walk
with You each day.
Lord,make me quick to hear and ready to obey.
I am seeking to do the thing that pleases you.
In Jesus Mighty Name......Amen

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